I’m home!

日本に戻って来ちゃいましたっ! (一時帰国?!) 実は・・・ 約2年半振り 再び日本の地を踏みました しかし その時点では mikaの中でさまざまな思いがあり、葛藤があり、素直になれなかった だから 誰にも帰国したことを言えなかった 久しぶりに戻って来…

Happy New Year!!!

2009年 あけましたっ! あけましておめでとうございます。 皆様、いかがお過ごしですか? 2009年もよろしくお願いします。 2008年5月末より、音信不通になり、申し訳ないです。 心配してくださった方、どこかで生きていると思っていた方 mikaを支えてくださ…

good time

I went to vegetarian restaurant which my travel guide book recommend with Michael who is studying Spanish and same room with me at hostel. I was super bored to stay at hostel. It's still heavy raining, too. I didn't want to go out, but she…

rain, again

It's heavy rain again. I didn't want to go out today, because I was tired, walked so much last few days. I stayed at hostel all day. By the way, I'd love to go to Isla de Pascua (Rapa Nui) , Easter Island. I went to a few travel agencies d…

Chilean traditional

I went to Los Dominicos where there were many handicraft shops on foot. I walked so much today, too. It was too easy to get there, I just walked straight on one of big main streets. However, it's very very far from my hostel. I thought to …

walk, walk, walk .....

I walked around Santiago centre of the old city and saw many historic building yesterday. And, I went to Cerro San Cristobal on foot today. I needed some exercise. haha... Cerro San Cristobal is hill which is such a exercise place, there w…


I got to Santiago from Puerto Montt this morning. When I went to hostel, I had to take a metro. Unfortunately, It's rush hour, so I couldn't take a metro for a while because I had a huge backpack. There were no space I could take it. Final…

Island of Chiloe

It was very very very heavy rain and cold today, however I went to Chiroe. I must be beautiful place there, I can see spectacular view if the weather is fine. I'm like a "ame-onna". It's always rain when I really want to go to some places.…


I crossed the border between Argentina and Chile, from Bariloche to Puerto Montt by bus. I was 7 hours on the bus. This way which is one of crossing a borders is go though a mountain. It has been raining for a week, so there were some snow…


I didn't have anything to do in Bariloche. It was heavy rain and windy, so I couldn't anything. I was supposed to go hiking, but I couldn't. I tried to go up mountain to see the view, but I couldn't. The chairlift of mountain closed, so I …


I got in Bariloche this afternoon, was on the bus for 24 hours. The bus sucked!!!!!!! There were not good services in the bus. I had a dinner at a restaurant, so have gotten off the bus for dinner. BUT, it was meat dish. I said I couldn't …

The laundry

I wanted to wash, but there wasn't washing machine in the hostel. So I asked a guy about it, he said I needed to go to laundry. WHAT?? Anyway, it was 12 pesos (US$4) to include wash and dry, it was not bad though. However, I have a deterge…


I moved from Iguazu and was on the bus for 22 hours. This time, the bus was great!!! It was the best comfortable ever. That was coach cama which seat was bigger, like a bed. 3 meals, lunch and dinner and breakfast, are included. And there …


It was long trip by bus. It took 11 hours from Montevideo to Buenos Aires, and I waited for next bus for 5 hours at bus terminal, and I caught it. That took 18 hours from Buenos Aires to Iguazu. 34 hours !!!!!!! But it was okey. Because th…

Nice Girls

I met 2 nice girls who were same room at hostel in Montevideo. One of girls can speak Spanish, another girl can understand it even though she can't speak Spanish very much. They were pretty friendly and kind girls, so they helped me. And t…


I was in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. I moved there from Buenos Aires yesterday. This town is old town of colonial style, and one of world heritage Sites. It's so wonderful and cool. There are some old classic car in the town. It's fal…

Buenos Aires

I am in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I arrived here on May 2. It took almost 36 hours after I left Whistler, include 24 hours by air. It was so long time to get here. But that's alright it's normal for my trip. I walked around downtown of Buen…

the last day

I´m leaving from Canada today. I can´t beleve I´d been here for 2 years. I spent so much great time and had lots of fun. I can´t say so much. I don´t go back home yet. You know. I´m going to South America!!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to t…

 I had too many parties

4/20でカフェを辞めて、スタッフパーティがあったけど それからほぼ毎日のように友達たちと食ったり、飲んだりの繰り返しで・・・ カナダで、日本に居るときとはるかに変わったことが、コレっ! 食い過ぎ&飲み過ぎ お酒は相変わらず弱いけど、以前に比べて…


パソコンが壊れてしまいました。 今後、ほぼリアルタイムの更新ができません。 これから南米へ旅行するのに、メチャクチャ、ひじょーーーーーーーーーーっに 不便でなりません。 突然のクラッシュだったので、何もできず、その後、電源が全く入らなくなりま…

 Am I shy ?

”人見知り”って・・・ 正直、初対面の人が持つmikaの第一印象が悪い。。。 人見知りするから、言葉も態度もどことなく、ツメたくて、コワくなるみたい。 打ち解けて、仲良くなるまでに時間が掛かっちゃうんだよねぇ。 性格のせいか。。。 自分でも知っていた…


4月だというのに、まだ寒い。。。 雪も降ってるしぃ。。。 先々週にバンクーバーに下りた時、バンクーバーは桜が咲いてた。 ウィスラーは、まだ冬のようですわぁ。 山は、雪が数cm降って、風で飛ばされて、解けて、固まっての繰り返しで アイシーでカチン…

 in 2 weeks

そろそろ 打ち明けようかなぁ・・・ 次の逃亡先を それは・・・・・ Latin America 中南米ですねぇ〜♪ ( ̄m ̄*)V 2008年5月1日 バンクーバーからカナダ出国予定!!

 Fact is ...

骨折してた。。。 怪我名は、上腕骨大結節骨折 と 回旋筋腱板部分断裂(損傷) 2/25に友達と滑ってて、ビレッジまで下りるというラスト1本で 友達がついて来てるか確認しようと滑りながらチョッと後ろを振り返った瞬間 逆エッジが入り、左の腰からコケた…

 tired & fun

バックカントリー、初体験! ハイクは、メッチャしんどい。 スノーシュー履いて、バックパックにスノボ括りつけて担いで 重いバックパックを背負って上るって、思った以上にツラかった。 今まで、こんな重い(っと言っても、まだ必要最低限の用具しか持って…

 Avalanche Skills Training Course

日本ではあまり経験ができないことだろうな。。。 バックカントリー ウィスラーでやりたいことの一つに、バックカントリーがあったんだ。 ヘリスキー、バックカントリーって日本ではできないよねぇ。。。 もう3月も終ってしまうこんなときにではありますが…

 soybean flour & sesame pound cake

先週誕生日だった友達へ遅ればせながらケーキのプレゼント☆ 甘さ控えめの和風テイストのパウンドケーキは、ウマいっ!!!!! こっちのお菓子は、激甘。 その甘さに慣れてしまったところもあるのですが・・・ ちなみに、全ての材料は貰い物です。(苦笑 相…

 A week went by...

行方不明になっている彼女の捜索規模が縮小されたようです。 ご家族が現地入りして、行方不明になってから1週間が経過してしまいました。 この間に発見されることなく、捜索が縮小されてしまう事に。 WHISTERnavi-その後の捜索〜今回の遭難事故に思うこと〜…

 missing Japanese snowboarder

ウィスラーで「日本人女性が行方不明」というニュースが。 WHISTERnavi-ブラッコムマウンテンで行方不明の日本人 search for snowboarder : Kuri's Mom 今回のこのニュースは衝撃的だった。 一人で滑るのが怖くなった。 特に、方向感覚を失うことがあるツリ…

 totally stupid work

Canadian のテキトーさにはいい加減アキアキしていたが・・・ 厭きれすぎてもいたけど・・・ また、つくづくアキアキさせられたわぁ。 ある書類上の関係から、前に働いていたベーカリーにその書類を受け取りに行った。(1回目) mikaは、そこで一緒に働いて…