I miss the hot spring of Japan

Honestly, I don't miss Japan except the hot spring.
When I was in Japan, I went to the hot spring spot every 2 months. (almost)
Since I came to Canada, I can't take a bath very often.
When I "take a bath", I have to go to sports centre of next to our house.
That's "hot tub".
Actually I don't care here, it's not "hot spring" although.
These days, I usually go to "hot tub" at sports centre every other day.
I bought a 10 times pass there.
It's pretty nice!!!!!
I always take a hot tub for 90 to 120 minute.
It's normal for me.....
However, it's a little bit loud and busy.
There are many families and kids, depends on period of time.
However I love taking the "hot tub", especially only here.